
Monday, 15 December 2014

Christmas symbols

Christmas symbols
1.Fir Tree:Represents everlasting hope of mankind.
2. star:Represents the fulfilment of God's promise.
3.candle:The candle reminds us of Jesus who fills us with the light.
4.The wreath:The wreath symbolises the real nature of love.
5.Santa Claus: Santa symbolises generosity and kindness   
6.Gift:The gift reminds us of how God gave us Jesus.


On Wednesday the 12th November we had three people come to our school from Auckland playhouse to perform Rapunzel. One of the people was named Ben one was named jack and the girl was named Jane. Jane was the main character because the title was named Rapunzel and she played the character Rapunzel.

I loved the part when Ben got changed into pinocchio because of how he changed his voice because really sounded like he was really pinocchio. I also liked the part when Ben did the jumps and twirls.Jane was also very good because of how she acted because of how she could sing and rap.I also liked it because of when Ben got into Rupee and tried to sing but sounded ofle because if I was him I would be humiliated.

I think this is best for children NOT adults because of how they told it.         

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Easter story

Easter story
Have you ever wondered what the good news is?

It all started when the soldiers took Jesus to court. They took him to Pontius Pilot but he didn’t know what to do. So he asked the crowd and they said “Crucify him”.

They whipped him and put a crown of thorns on him. They did this just because he said he was the son of God which he was.

After all of that they put him on a cross and made him carry it to the biggest mountain and they nailed him to the cross. After three hours he laid his head and died.

The women saw him being put into the dark tomb. So on a Sunday they went to visit him but there was an angel and and the angel said “He has risen and go and spread the words to the world”.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

What is heat

6 May 2014

What is heat?

Heat is very hot.It’s like steam and it also looks like little tiny clouds.

he quality of being hot; high temperature.: "it is sensitive to both heat and cold".
high temperature



Screenshot 2014-04-17 at 8.39.18 AM.png


I have named it wolfin because he’s half wolf and half lion. He gets along with other animals because he is the scaryest animal . He eats deers, bulls and people. every body thinks that hes a gril but hes not. He lives in a big hole witch leads him to his home with his famaliy.He survives his life by training to fight other animals and as he fights he gets stronger and stronger.

Sheep Dogs

Sheep Dogs

Sheepdogs are mammals and they have very sharp canine teeth.

Sheep dogs look like wolves with a pointy nose and it floppy ears like a bull dogs.they have lots of hair.They have very sharp canine teeth.

Dogs try to behave but when they smell meat they would jump and eat.Sheep dogs don’t behave like that because they have been traned.when children tell they refuse and fight back. However when farmers tell them they do many things.
