
Thursday, 12 June 2014

What is heat

6 May 2014

What is heat?

Heat is very hot.It’s like steam and it also looks like little tiny clouds.

he quality of being hot; high temperature.: "it is sensitive to both heat and cold".
high temperature



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I have named it wolfin because he’s half wolf and half lion. He gets along with other animals because he is the scaryest animal . He eats deers, bulls and people. every body thinks that hes a gril but hes not. He lives in a big hole witch leads him to his home with his famaliy.He survives his life by training to fight other animals and as he fights he gets stronger and stronger.

Sheep Dogs

Sheep Dogs

Sheepdogs are mammals and they have very sharp canine teeth.

Sheep dogs look like wolves with a pointy nose and it floppy ears like a bull dogs.they have lots of hair.They have very sharp canine teeth.

Dogs try to behave but when they smell meat they would jump and eat.Sheep dogs don’t behave like that because they have been traned.when children tell they refuse and fight back. However when farmers tell them they do many things.
